From the JPIC office we want to give importance to this international day of water because there are still more than two billion people in the world who do not have access to water and it is good that we become aware of this. On the other hand, we want to make...
International Women’s Day.
On 8 March we celebrate International Women's Day. A time to reflect and promote the dignity of women as a Claretian family. In the words of St John Paul II: ‘For this to happen, the dignity of women must be promoted above all in the Church.’ (Ecclesia in Europa 2003,...
Anselmus Baru, cmf At the end of the year 2024, Father Antonio Llamas asked me to write about the social reality of Venezuela from my missionary experience, so I dare to write these paragraphs; I do not do it from a deep and exhaustive vision of the reality, through...
February 4, the International Day of Human Fraternity
Message from the JPIC Secretariat of the Claretian Missionaries in DRC on the war in the East of the Country
Dear brothers and sisters, As you know, the population of eastern DRC has been suffering for three decades from a war waged by more than 100 armed groups in the provinces of Sud Kivu, Nord Kivu and Ituri, a region rich in agricultural products and mineral resources....