The General Mission Procure
The Claretians are a congregation of missionaries with 25 Bishops, 2259 Priests, and 106 brothers of the 2972 members from 71 countries on five continents and distributed in 32 Major Organisms. The congregation has over 175 years of experience in pastoral and social ministry worldwide. It has entered not only into the spiritual life of the people but also into their socio-economic and human development through the implementation of various projects.
In every Claretian Major Organism there is a Mission Procure officewhich functions under its Prefect of Apostolate and a Mission Procure Council. The Mission Procures of the Major Organisms are linked to the General Mission Procure (GMP), based in the General Curia in Rome, Italy, which is the central coordinating agency and the official fundraising organ for fundraising for the Claretian Mission Worldwide.
The GMP animates and promotes the missionary work in the Congregation by giving support for the missions and missionaries, through the raising of knowledge and awareness about their missions and the coordination among the different Organisms of the Congregation in this area, in close collaboration with Solidarity and Mission Team.
The Claretians are dedicated to seeing the world through the eyes of the poor. We strive to respond to the most urgent and timely needs, using all means possible to care for the spiritual and material needs of others.
The GMP functions under the General Prefect of Apostolate. The GMP is guided and animated by the General Mission Procure Council.
The General Mission Procurator is Fr. Lord Winner CMF and Ms.Claudia Valentini works as the Project Officer of the General Mission Procure.

1. To guide Claretian Organisms:
– Mission visits
– Meetings with Mission Procurators and Procure Office Staff
– Training for Mission Procurators
– Monthly donor updates
– Distribution of materials for improving project management and mission procure offices

2. To support Claretian projects and programmes:
The General Mission Procure Council meets twice in a year, in March and October, to discuss and evaluate projects submitted by Claretian Organisms.

3. Project management - Pastoral and social projects
The GMP is engaged in implementing pastoral and social projects. Social projects are also implemented through PROCLADE Internazionale Onlus (PROCLADE), the non-profit Foundation established in Rome in 2006 by Claretian missionaries to promote the development of the most disadvantaged peoples on the basis of the principles of justice, peace and solidarity among communities. PROCLADE is managed by the General Mission Procure and supports the work of other PROCLADE’s branch offices under the guidance of the President, the Vice President and Secretary General.

The action of the GMP is universal and addressed to all people in need without any distinction of gender, nationality, religion, culture. Its commitment gives priority to the most vulnerable people, such as children, women, elderly people, disabled people, HIV/AIDS patients, unemployed people, people with drug or alcohol addiction, ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged groups.
All actions have always been planned and realized in the deepest respect of the local culture. In the various General Chapters’ documents, produced over the years, there is constant mention to the importance of being near to the excluded as an essential element of the Claretian social commitment and help the most marginalized people live in dignified and human condition.
Besides, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, the GMP strives daily to ensure sustainable social, economic and ecological development, by acting in the following areas: education for children and adolescents; vocational training for young people and adults; formation for priests, seminarians and laity; public health; nutrition and food safety; water and sanitation; social inclusion; gender equality; energy; climate change; rural development; social buildings; churches/chapels construction; transport; communications; technology; biblical animation.
Also, the Prefecture of Apostolate manages the SOS Fund for Emergencies in collaboration with members of Claretian Family members – CMF, RMI and Lay Claretians

CLAPNET (CLAretian Project NETwork)
All Claretian projects are managed through the CLAPNET platform, a software developed specifically for project management. This tool ensures the transparency of project activities, whose documents and news are made available on the dedicated platform for all collaborators.
Working with Funding Agencies
The GMP also promotes financial assistance to the poorest communities by collaborating with donor agencies. The kind of projects that are developed are pastoral, small and large social projects.

Fundraising initiatives
- GMP & PROCLADE Internazionale’s website
- GMP & PROCLADE Internazionale’s Facebook pages
- WhatsApp groups: CLAPNET group, Project Network, Prokura Misi
- WhatsApp Broadcast Lists: BLS, BLSP (for Italian, Spanish and English speakers)
- Newsletter about completed projects
- The Claretian Mission (yearly publishing)
- Promotion of projects & initiatives through La Corda magazine
- Promotion of projects at the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rome
- Interviews at radios
- Speeches at universities
- Participation in UN Forums
Sharing the knowledge with others
Since the GMP aims to develop expertise and commitment among the Claretians for pastoral and social development initiatives in the mission as a compassionate way of evangelization, it works by developing the following activities:
Project Management Training
The GMP strongly believes in the importance of the continuous training of Claretian personnel working on projects, as a source of personal, professional and competency improvement and development. The main objective of the Training is to give guidance for a sustainable management of projects.

Promotion of justice and development through PROCLADE Internazionale Onlus:

1. Presence in the United Nations
In the year 2017, PROCLADE Internazionale Onlus received the special consultive role in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. A team of Claretian Missionaries is present in New York and actively participate in various Commission meetings, Forums and United Nations Assemblies.

2. Volunteer Programs
The GMP animates the missionary spirit in the Congregation by making the missionary positions known to the public and involving laity in the mission of the Claretians. Volunteer Programs (Proclade Yanapay, Fundacion Proclade, Proclade Betica, German Procure, San Jose del Sur) aim to share the joy of Gospel and encourage the participation of communities to promote human rights and solidarity among people.
3. Social development
The social work of GMP focus on individuals and context-specific struggles for rights, by having a rights-based approaches to development that involve ‘bottom up’ empowerment of local communities. All international cooperation projects are the result of a real call for help from locals, which actively participate in the formulation and implementation of projects. Dialogue with local references is of fundamental importance for the GMP, as they know the needs of the beneficiaries, who are the real protagonists of any project.