Solidarity & Mission (SoMi)

Claretian Missionaries (CMF)

We dream of a Congregation

committed to universal brotherhood (Fratelli tutti), justice, peace and the care of the common home (Laudato si’). In a spirit of synodality, we collaborate with people of different cultures, ethnicities and religions for the transformation of the world in accord with God’s plan (cf. CC 46).

International Women’s Day.

On 8 March we celebrate International Women’s Day. A time to reflect and promote the dignity of women as a Claretian family. In the words of St John Paul II: ‘For this to happen, the dignity of women must be promoted above all in the Church.’ (Ecclesia in Europa 2003, n. 43)

On this occasion, we would like to thank the Claretian sisters RMI who have prepared this prayer-reflection to celebrate in community and raise awareness of this principle of the Social Doctrine of the Church, the defence of the dignity of the person.

Following the invitation of the Claretian sisters in this prayer, let us remember all the women who have been and are part of our lives and, in addition to congratulating them, let us promote their dignity.

Download Document Here

International Day of Women 2024

On March 8, 2024, we will celebrate the International Women’s Day. A very special day for the Claretian family and for all humanity. We are all called to contribute to gender equality.

This time the prayer-reflection has been prepared by the Missionary Sisters of St. Anthony Mary Claret (MSAMC) for the whole Claretian family. We thank them for their efforts.

As in the past, we offer you the document in five languages, which you will find below.

Happy International Women’s Day!