by Vincent Ojwang | Jul 31, 2024 | INTERNATIONAL DAY OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES 2024
On August 9, the International Day of Indigenous Peoples is commemorated, which seeks to promote inclusion, equality and respect towards these communities. Today there are more than 476 million indigenous people in approximately 90 countries around the world, who represents only 5% of the world’s population, and the majority are in a highly vulnerable situation.
On this occasion, the prayer has been prepared by the JPIC team of Lay Claretians for the entire Claretian family. Let us make this day a moment of prayer and reflection for our communities. Fraternal greetings.
by Vincent Ojwang | Apr 8, 2024 | Mother Earth Day
On 22 April we remember International Mother Earth Day. She is our home, and we have a special relationship with her as a mother. This is not just an intellectual concept, but an emotional and relational concept. It is also a concept that has its roots in indigenous cultures that help us to promote harmony with the rest of creation.
We offer below the materials prepared by the JPIC team of Cordimarian Filiation (Filiación Cordimariana), that as you know they are consecrated ladies living in the world. The design and publication was done by our Claretian brother Vincent Ojwang, one of our Cyber Missionaries. We are so grateful to all of them!
Happy Mother Earth Day!
by Vincent Ojwang | Mar 10, 2024 | International Day of Water
22 March 2024, One of the effects of the triple environmental crisis is the scarcity of water for human consumption and for the sustainability of the environment. That is aggravated by the over-use that some human activities such as mining and agriculture make of it.
There are already many communities that are being affected by this problem, and many species that disappear or are forced to move in search of this precious good with all the consequences that this entails.
This is undoubtedly an important day to pray for the most vulnerable brothers and sisters and nature, and above all for a fair distribution of water. We also make ourselves more aware of a problem that affects us all and in which we can all do something.
As a Claretian family, we want to share this file in which you will find materials to pray as well as information about the origin of this international day and the problem of water. We thank the Lay Claretian who have lovingly prepared this theme for the entire Claretian family.
As usual, you can find the file translated into 5 Languages.