Mar 11, 2025 | International Day of Water, International Days

From the JPIC office we want to give importance to this international day of water because there are still more than two billion people in the world who do not have access to water and it is good that we become aware of this. On the other hand, we want to make ourselves aware that water is part of our lives and therefore of our spirituality. Water is an element of creation that interconnects all the dimensions of our life and we offer a reflection of how Saint Anthony M. Claret himself lived this.

As a Claretian family, let us make this international day a moment of reflection, prayer and awareness. May sister “water” help us to contemplate our creator, and to serve all of Creation, including our brothers and sisters.

Download document herehttps://www.somicmf.org/download/203/day-of-water/3387/world-water-day-eg-2.pdf?lang=en